
I hate to break it to you, but that investment in another business coach to help you build out a better offer won’t help you see more sales. But this will…

Let me save you $15,000 on a business coach by explaining this…

Right now, your offer isn’t selling the way you hope and you’re looking around immersing yourself in everyone else’s IG pages to figure out what they have that you don’t.

The businesses that are selling consistently and are actually seeing those “heck yes I’m in” type clients on a regular basis invested in one key thing to get there – copy that converts.

Think about it – when you scrolled on their page you probably didn’t realize at first but they have a clear transformative message and energy that most people are completely lacking… and it’s costing them sales.

And consumers have gotten smarter these days – you can’t just have a link for people to purchase just because you have some kickass claims anymore.

So investing in a coach might make you more confident in how to run a sales call.. but if your messaging + webpage confuse the audience, you’re never going to get the CHANCE to sell them before they’ll stop prior to ever getting in your DMs.

With my clients – I help them break through the “copy and paste” energy of the online space with critical shifts in their branding and messaging that creates more sales for their business while also eliminating the resistance your current audience is feeling while evaluating if they should make that investment with you.

Imaging knowing your sales page is creating that “holy crap… I think she is literally inside my brain” moment that establishes trust and activates them to a point of wanting to inquire for more.

This comes from:

1️⃣ understanding sales psychology and incorporating sales backed messaging into the way I structure your sales pages and overall website

2️⃣ creating cohesion between your content and website so that clients instantly feel immersed in your unique solutions making them feel connection and trust with your brand

Want to know what gaps are keeping your sales page from converting?

DM “AUDIT’ on Instagram for a free analysis of your offer copy and website.