
If you think people aren’t buying from you because your content isn’t landing, think again. Your content is crushing it, your website… not so much

Let’s talk about something that might be holding your business back without you even realizing it: your website.

Think I’m crazy? Let’s talk about it ⬇️

Your Instagram game is on point. People love what you’re putting out there, and they’re totally feeling the vibe. 

But then, when they make the leap from Instagram to your website, something changes. Suddenly, that excitement fizzles out, and they’re left feeling… well, underwhelmed.

So what’s the deal? 

It’s all about the disconnect between your Instagram presence and your website experience. While your Instagram is drawing people in with its charm and personality, your website isn’t quite hitting the mark.

Here are a few common issues I often see:

1️⃣ Your website might not clearly communicate what you offer or how you can help your visitors and it’s causing them to stop the scroll and move on to something else. Trust me – they’re moving on… and not coming back. 

2️⃣ Visitors are lost or overwhelmed by a cluttered layout or unclear navigation. Your home page only has 8 seconds to get someone to decide if they want to work with you or not – do you really think it’s doing it’s job right now? 

But here’s the good news: Websites can be selling machines for your business… if they are set up to help become that last “heck yes I’m in” step that your clients need in order to buy your offer.

Truthfully, I’m here to help you bridge the gap between Instagram hype and your website getting those client’s into the ready to buy stage. 

So if you feel like you’re a posting machine, but sales haven’t been flooding in… let’s chat.